Kitten Supplies

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1. Allergy Testing Supplies

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2. Required Kitten Supplies

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Siberian cat food recommendation cats for sale
Siberian cat food recommendation cats for sale

We are transitioning to Tofu Litter. It's the best. It's flushable and better for the environment. 

3. Nice to Have Kitten Supplies

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Siberian cat vacuum mop robot recommendation cats for sale

The robot (left) vacuums and mops at the same time! We add a little odoban (right) in the water tank to disinfect our cattery floors daily. Our kittens are familiar with this and it has never harmed a kitten.

WARNING: The Shark robot vacuums may painfully entangle a long haired cat's tail. The obstacle avoidance is not effective. Sometimes my cats won't move out of the way, and were harmed.

Automatic cleaning litter box Siberian cat recommendation cats for sale

WARNING: Do NOT use or even plug in any automatic litter box until your kitten is at least 6 months old and weighs 6 lbs. 

The auto-litter box linked to the left has a kitten mode. 

Use our coupon code: MAGICSIBERIANS for a 10% discount

The video to the left is a great analysis and review of the above linked self-cleaning, automatic litter box. It's the best one from what I can see. We don't have these in our cattery yet, but considering. 

The toys we play with in the cattery. 

Walk your Magic Siberian on a harness and leash.