Allergy Testing Supplies
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Required Kitten Supplies
Click the image below to follow the Amazon Link.
Nice to Have Kitten Supplies
The video to the left is a great analysis and review of the above linked self-cleaning, automatic litter box. It's the best one from what I can see. We don't have these in our cattery yet, but considering.
This automatic "litter robot" is killing cats. In late June 2024, one of our sweet, five month old kittens named "Marie" was killed by this device only five days after going home. The company knows it's killing cats, and it's still being sold on Amazon. Click the images in the lowest part of this section to see their latest Amazon listing. If this third link is removed, the company will just relist the same deadly product under a new name.
In July we posted a warning about it in a facebook group for cat breeders, so they could warn their buyers. Others in the group noticed a recent tik tok about this same problem. Then others commented on my post, the amazon review we linked had two one star reviews, stating it had killed their cats. The cat breeding community did some detective work, and realized MULTIPLE cats were killed by this device. Then Five Cats One Man, a Youtuber who tests and reviews automatic cleaning litter boxes conducted an investigation and made the video to the left (top) analysing how it's killing cats.
Then "penguinz0"/"Moist", Youtuber with 15.9 million subscribers made a video about the investigative video. His video to the left (bottom) is going viral and soon this issue will be in the news.